
Towards a Healthier Financial Future

Section: Serious stuff

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Learn what financial wellness is, why it's important, and how it can improve your overall well-being. Plus, 10 tips to guide and improve your financial wellness.

Financial wellness: what it is, benefits, and 10 ways to get there →

The 7 levels of financial freedom, according to a millionaire — 50% of U.S. workers are at Level 2 by Ryan Ermey

What level are you? The 7 levels of financial freedom →

Tipping requests are on the rise. Businesses that never seemed to ask for a tip, like fast food joints, are now asking for one. Here's how to deal with unexpected requests and more.

What is the new etiquette for tipping? from Life Kit →

Dr. Aditi Nerurkar offers five accessible ways to minimize stress in your daily life — no lavish vacations or big life changes necessary.

NPR LifeKit: 5 simple ways to minimize stress →

When couples move in together for the first time, many financial questions and tasks arise, leaving room for disagreement and awkwardness.

Ana Teresa Sola on financial tips for couples moving in together for the first time →

Gen Z, millennials say money talks should happen before the relationship gets serious, study finds

Ana Teresa Solá explores navigating big feelings when financial planning with a partner →

Jessica Lutz @ Forbes: How I Worked Through My Financial Baggage And Got Serious About Saving Money

This is all temporary and you can figure it out →

Financial Stress: How to Cope If you're worried about money, you're not alone. Money is a common source of stress for American adults.

Elizabeth Scott, PhD with tips for coping with financial stress →

How to donate to a charity with purpose and intention. Kevin Scally of Charity Navigator has some advice to help you make the right decisions. His group evaluates the effectiveness of over 200,000 nonprofit organizations.

Donating to a charity is a lot like voting for an issue you believe in — except you're voting with money →

The biggest money mistakes that could change your future — and how to get ahead of them right now

Sophie Kiderlin of CNBC make it: Avoiding the most common financial mistakes →

Demystifying your health insurance plan it can be confusing to decipher all the acronyms and lingo of health care — so how do you pick the right health care plan

Life Kit NPR break down commonly used terms and offer a strategy to help crunch the numbers →

How to talk to your parents about their money. There comes a time when it's the kid's turn to take care of mom and dad. Here's how to broach this sensitive subject with your parents.

Life Kit NPR: Yes, end-of-life planning is a tough subject. How to talk to your parents about it →

Should I still be investing in this uncertain stock market? Uncertainty is a normal – even necessary – part of investing, but it becomes a problem when people spend so much time worrying that they miss out on market returns.

Four tips for nervous investors from Benjamin Felix →

Author Tammy Lally encourages us to break free of "money shame" and shows us how to stop equating our bank accounts with our self-worth. - Let's get honest about our money problems →

Khan Academy has a great free financial literacy course. From understanding interest rates to navigating the stock market, this course breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand lessons that will empower you to take control of your money.

Khan Academy Financial Literacy Course created by Sal Khan →

You might not realize it, but there is something called financial personality, and it can play a big role in your ability to handle and manage money.

How Your Personality Is Affecting Your Finances →

4 Common Money Philosophies (And What They Say About You). Struggling with your finances? Your deepest-held beliefs about money might be to blame.

Which Script Do You Follow →

In 2021, 24% of people aged 15 to 49 had changed their plans with regard to having children as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most often, they planned on having fewer children or having a child later.

Family Matters: A new addition to the family? It depends →

Learn the 101 of financial literacy with a fun, dynamic guide that makes money feel empowering, financial literacy becomes a life-long habit that pays dividends.

Financial literacy 101 from the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education →

The Bank of Canada has increased its benchmark interest rate to 5 per cent, the highest in 22 years.

What happens when interest rates rise in Canada. What does that mean for you →

Canadians' confidence in their ability to retire on time and debt free declined between 2016 and 2022, according to a new research report released by the Canadian Public Pension Leadership Council (CPPLC).

Research shows Canadians losing confidence in their plans for retirement →

Warren Buffett’s ‘secret sauce’ for investing success: Be ‘business pickers’ not ‘stock pickers’

Learn what value investing means and how it can help grow your Net Worth →

"How improving your financial literacy can help ease stress in a tough economy. Brushing up on your financial knowledge can help to build confidence and freedom."

Managing money can be difficult for anyone, regardless of their financial situation →

Take this self-assessment quiz to figure out how your financial literacy skills and knowledge measure up compared to other Canadians.

Financial literacy self-assessment quiz →

After years of soaring home prices, there was hope that rising interest rates would lead to lower prices in 2023 and give young Canadians an entry point into the market.

Podcast - Why more Canadians are giving up on home ownership →

The Canada Pension Plan enhancement – Businesses, individuals, and self-employed: what it means for you

How does the CPP enhancement affect you →

SMART financial goals help you identify exactly what you want and how you plan to achieve it. SMART goals are: - Specific - Measurable - Achievable - Relevant - Time-Based

Start setting SMART goals and track your progress over time →

Despite labour disruptions, the tax filing deadline has not changed. Canadians should take steps to ensure their return is filed by May 1, 2023, along with payment for any balance owing.

Filing dates for 2022 taxes →

Tax season is upon us. Find key dates including filing and payment due dates and dates for receiving credits and benefit payments from the CRA.

Due dates and payment dates →

Tax season is upon us and that means it’s a good time to revisit what needs to be done for your 2022 taxes.

It’s always best to go to the right source for important tax information →