
Better Finances for a Better You

← 036 Neontra Newsletter Issue #035 034 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Did you know?

According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), the average American planned to spend $826 in 2022 on Christmas gifts, food, and decorations. Of that $826 dollars, around $500 are spent on gifts for family members.

Budget for all your holiday spending and ensure don't spend too much →

Word of the week

Time Value of Money (TVM)

The idea that money that is available now is worth more than the same amount in the future is known as the time value of money, or TVM. This is due to the fact that money that is invested has the ability to grow, and the longer it is invested, the more value it will gain. Money acquired later is viewed as having less value since it has less time to increase through investments.

Model and forecast the growth of your money. Define projected growth rates & visualize likely scenarios →


5 Tips for Low-Effort Budgeting from Experian

Here are five low-effort budgeting tips to make sticking with a budget less work:

  1. Start by looking back
  2. Use a flexible budgeting system
  3. Set up automatic savings
  4. Use a budgeting app to track spending
  5. Put your bills on autopay
Here are five low-effort budgeting tips to make sticking with a budget less work →

Quote of the week

"It's so simple. You spend less than you earn. Invest shrewdly, avoid toxic people and toxic activities, and try and keep learning all your life, etcetera etcetera. And do a lot of deferred gratification because you prefer life that way."

- Charlie Munger

Infographic of the week

What You Need to Earn to Own a Home in 50 American Cities

Between skyrocketing prices, stagnating wages, and now rising interest rates, the deck seems to be increasingly stacked against home ownership. Using May 2023 data tabulated by Home Sweet Home, the Visual Capitalist maps out the annual salary needed to afford a 30-year mortgage (at 6.37%) to buy a home in America’s 50 most populous metropolitan areas.

What You Need to Earn to Own a Home in 50 American Cities The Least and Most Affordable American Cities to Own a Home →


Virtual Portfolio and Watchlist

With our free Virtual Portfolio, you can take your first steps into the investing without risking losing any money. Select, monitor and evaluate performance of thousands of ETFs, stocks or funds.

Simulate the trading of thousands of stocks, ETFs, commodities and currencies →

Serious stuff

The biggest money mistakes that could change your future — and how to get ahead of them right now

Sophie Kiderlin of CNBC make it: Avoiding the most common financial mistakes →

Fun stuff

"Someday that bossman will wash my car While I watch and smoke a big cigar Just wait just wait till I get my money, oh yeah Just wait just wait till I get my money, you wait"

Which artist is #1 on our Neontrack playlist this week?

Music About Money →

Listen to our Neontrack playlist when you have music and money on your mind.

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