
Better Finances for a Better You

← 008 Neontra Newsletter Issue #007 006 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Did you know?

While today’s Canadian currency is very recognizable and strong, it’s only been in place since 1870. Prior to that, a variety of currencies were in use throughout 'Canada', including the British Pound, the American Dollar, and even the Spanish Peso.

Track your all your $CAD, $USD, £GBP, €EUR and ¥YEN in one place with Neontra →

Word of the week

Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)

An ETF is essentially a basket of investments such as stocks or bonds. In this sense they’re similar to mutual funds, but unlike mutual funds, shares of ETFs can be traded throughout the day on an exchange, much like an individual stock.

Learn about the benefits of ETFs →


What to consider before you start a budget: - Think about your financial goals - Identify your short-term and long-term goals - Make saving for those goals part of your budget

Take these simple steps before you make your budget →

Quote of the week

"Every time you borrow money, you're robbing your future self."

- Nathan W. Morris

Infographic of the week

Just 20 Stocks Have Driven S&P 500 Returns So Far in 2023

Truman Du shows which stocks are making up the vast majority of S&P 500 returns amid AI market euphoria and broader market headwinds.

Just 20 Stocks Have Driven S&P 500 Returns So Far in 2023 Tech and AI stocks have soared as ChatGPT became a household name in 2023 →


In 2022, the number of people moving to Alberta hit its highest level in almost a decade. At the same time, a record number of people left Toronto for other provinces.

Saving Podcast: Why millennials and Gen Z are Alberta-bound for a more affordable life →


ETF vs Index Fund: Which Should Canadians Invest In?

Learn the differences between ETFs and index funds and determine which fund is right for you.

ETF vs Index Fund →

Serious stuff

Take this self-assessment quiz to figure out how your financial literacy skills and knowledge measure up compared to other Canadians.

Financial literacy self-assessment quiz →

Fun stuff

"When you're broke, go and get a loan Take out another mortgage on your home Consolidate so you can afford To go and spend some more when you get bored"

Which artist is #1 on our Neontrack playlist this week?

Music About Money →

Listen to our Neontrack playlist when you have music and money on your mind.

← 008 Neontra Newsletter Issue #007 006 →