
Better Finances for a Better You

← 037 Neontra Newsletter Issue #036 035 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Did you know?

The Secret Service was established in 1865 as a bureau in the U.S. Treasury Department to combat widespread counterfeiting. Following the Civil War, between a third and half of all cash in circulation was counterfeit.

Track your all your $USD, £GBP, $CAD, €EUR and ¥YEN in one place with Neontra →

Word of the week


When two people apply for a loan or credit line together, they are known as co-borrowers. The money associated with the loan are equally accessible to the co-borrower. Payment obligations fall on both the principal borrower and the co-borrower. A common example of this is a married couple that applies for a mortgage or auto loan together.

What Is a Co-Borrower? Role in Loan Documents and Vs. Co-Signer →

Quote of the week

"That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest."

- Henry David Thoreau

Infographic of the week

How Americans of Different Generations Spent Their Money in 2021

Most consumer spending falls into the larger categories of food, housing, transportation, healthcare, and other goods and services.

How Americans of Different Generations Spent Their Money in 2021 View the interactive version of this chart highlighting how different generations spend money →


5 personal finance resolutions for 2024 (that you can actually keep). If your usual resolutions are “go to the gym” or “eat healthy,” don’t forget that a mindful approach to money.

Saving Stress Test Podcast: Money management is also a ticket to improved wellness →


2023 Stock Market Year In Review

In 2022, the S&P 500 bounced back from its worst year in over a decade, and it is on track to finish 2023 up as well, with a gain of about 21% through November 30. The ride for investors hasn’t always been a smooth one, though. Most of the market’s gains came early in 2023.

Forbes ADVISOR on the Stock Market as we close out 2023 →

Serious stuff

How to donate to a charity with purpose and intention. Kevin Scally of Charity Navigator has some advice to help you make the right decisions. His group evaluates the effectiveness of over 200,000 nonprofit organizations.

Donating to a charity is a lot like voting for an issue you believe in — except you're voting with money →

Fun stuff

"Sittin' in the sun counting my money Fanned by my summer-breeze Sweeter than the honey is counting my money Those greenbacks on the trees"

Which artist is #1 on our Neontrack playlist this week?

Music About Money →

Listen to our Neontrack playlist when you have music and money on your mind.

← 037 Neontra Newsletter Issue #036 035 →