
Better Finances for a Better You

See our roadmap of upcoming product updates, new features and tools

Mobile App Redesign

  • We’re exploring a bunch of ways to improve our mobile app experience
  • Improved session management
  • Design updates
  • Improved usability

Expanded Forecasting Functionality

  • Forecast various financial scenarios based on your Neontra profile, or start from scratch
  • Save your forecasted financial scenarios and track them over time
  • Quickly create new forecasts for big events like buying a home or retirement

Change Cashflow Transaction Date

  • Ability to change the date that a transaction affects your Cashflow stats
  • Helpful for recurring bills, income, etc near the beginning/end of the month

Multilingual Support

  • Adding support for French language
  • The ability for future translations to be added easily to support international expansion

Retirement Goal Planning

  • Create a future-dated retirement budget
  • Includes income and spending forecasts
  • Better, more accurate retirement planning that is kept up-to-date with daily transactional activity

UK Expansion -

  • Ability to add UK Banks
  • Ability to add UK Investment Accounts
  • Auto Sync UK Banks
  • Auto Sync UK Investment Accounts and Holdings

European Expansion -

  • Ability to add EU Banks
  • Ability to add EU Investment Accounts
  • Auto Sync EU Banks
  • Auto Sync EU Investment Accounts and Holdings

Connectivity Improvements

  • Add support for more connectivity partners

Rollover Budgets

  • Set your budget to roll over each month
  • Choose to start each new month with the previous month's leftover amount
  • The previous month’s spending will be reflected in the current month’s budget
  • If you overspent in the previous month, the overspend amount will be added to the current month’s spending

OFX Investments Import

  • Import OFX for US FI investments
  • Import OFX for Canadian FI investments
  • Import OFX for UK FI investments
  • Import OFX for EU FI investments

FIRE Calculator

  • We will be updating our Planning Calculators so you can forecast how much you need to be Financial Independent and Retire Early
  • Including options for Coast FIRE, Lean FIRE, and Fat FIRE

Custom Categories

  • Create new custom Income and Expense parent and child Categories
  • Create Categories from the Settings Tab or directly on the Cash Flow and Budget views
  • Edit or delete all custom and default Categories
  • Add complex Transaction Rules to assign transactions to your new Custom Categories automatically
  • Assign transactions from anywhere in Neontra to your Custom Categories
This is now live! →

Account Type Conversion

  • Ability to move an account between Bank Accounts, Credit Cards, Investments and Loans
  • Better control over the set-up/import process
This is now live! →


  • Support for Insurance products
This is now live! →

US Expansion -

  • Ability to add US Banks
  • Ability to add US Investment Accounts
  • Auto Sync US Banks
  • Auto Sync US Investment Accounts and Holdings
This is now live! →

Account Sharing & Invitations

  • Invite your partner for a joint view of your finances.
  • Get your own login and a shared view of your account
  • Manage access rights
  • Collaborate more to build a true household budget
This is now live! →

Authenticate Using Google & Apple Sign-In

  • We will be adding both Google and Apple Sign-in options
  • If there is demand for other sign-in options like Facebook please let us know
This is now live! →