Migrate from Mint to Neontra

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Simple Steps to Move Your Data From Mint and Start Budgeting With Neontra Quickly

3 minute read

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to migrate your data from Mint to Neontra.

Step 1: Export your Mint data to a CSV file

Neontra can import a file of up to 2 Megabytes in size. If your exported Mint CSV file is bigger than 2MB, you’ll need to chop it into multiple smaller files. The easiest way to do this is to make a copy your exported Mint CSV file, open it in Excel/Google Sheets, cut out the part you don’t want then Save As, for example, “Mint export - part 1”. Repeat for “Mint export - part 2”, etc. Aim for approximately 10,000 transactions (or rows) per file. When done you will have a set of new files that can be sequentially imported to Neontra.

Step 2: Open the Neontra Web UI

Step 3: Click into the My Money section

Step 4: For Auto Sync Connected Accounts

If you want to import your data and then continue receiving updates automatically, you'll need to connect your accounts via the 'My Money > Add' Button first. Once connected, you can continue to import your files. This step is not required if you just want to upload OFX/CSV files manually going forward.

Step 5: For Manual Accounts with OFX/CSV files

Click the green Import Reports button this will open the Import Report window.

Step 6: Drag-and-drop the first Mint file into the Import Report window

Step 7: Click the Map Columns button

Check the column headers look “right” to you, but they should be fine as-is. When done, click Finish Mapping.

Step 8: Click Upload

The Import Report window now shows a mapping between your Mint accounts and your Neontra accounts. If your Neontra accounts don’t yet exist you can create them now. When done, make the appropriate Neontra Account selections and when done, click Import. Note that Investment Account imports are not yet supported, click the Remove Mapping button to remove any Investment Accounts. You will be able to import these accounts at a later date.

Step 9: Review Import

If you have fewer than 1,000 transactions in your import file, the Import Report window shows a list of your transactions. Set the Merchant and Category for each transaction as needed. When done, click Import Transactions. If you have more than 1,000 transactions in your import file, the categorization step is skipped and your transactions are imported directly to their respective Neontra accounts.

Step 10: Repeat for each Mint file (e.g. Mint export - part 1), as above

Exporting Transaction Data from Mint →