Personal Finance

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Topic: "Inflation"

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Infographic of the week

Mapped: Inflation Projections by Country, in 2024

While inflation looks to be easing, there remains the risk of a second wave of price pressures driven by geopolitical conflicts and supply disruptions in the Red Sea. Adding to this, a stronger than expected labor market could drive consumer demand, pushing up higher prices. This graphic shows 2024 inflation projections around the world, based on forecasts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Mapped: Inflation Projections by Country, in 2024 Inflation Projections, by Country in 2024 from the Visual Capitalist →

Did you know?

Americans spend $779 on food per month, with almost two-thirds being spent on groceries ($475) and the rest on eating out ($303), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Expenditure Survey.

American Households' Average Monthly Expenses →

Word of the week

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

A measure of the average change over time in prices paid by consumers, for a basket of consumers goods and services.

Why the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is Important →

Did you know?

Canada’s Food Price Report 2023 predicts Canadian families will spend up to $1065 more on food than in 2022.

See predictions on annual food expenditures for individual consumers based on their age and gender. →

Did you know?

Nearly 3 in 4 Canadians report rising prices impacting their ability to meet day to day expenses in 2022, according to StatsCan.

See where you can save more money →

Did you know?

Asking rents in Canada increased 9.7% annually to an average of $1,984 in February. The annual rate of rent inflation has been moderating since reaching a high of 12.4% in November 2022.

Learn how much rent inflation has grown in your neighbourhood →

Word of the week


Inflation is a persistent rise in the average level of prices over time.

Price check: Inflation in Canada →

Infographic of the week

How much more are groceries costing you this year?

Mapped: Which Countries Have the Highest Inflation?

How much more are groceries costing you this year? See how Canada compares to the rest of the world →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.