
Better Finances for a Better You

← 028 Neontra Newsletter Issue #027 026 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Did you know?

In 1950, Diners Club introduced the first payment system resembling a credit card. This wasn't a real credit card, though. It was a charge card instead, and the cardholder was expected to pay the whole debt each month.

Use our credit card payoff calculator to help you plan for a brighter future →

Word of the week


The amortization period is the length of time it takes to pay off a mortgage in full. The amortization is an estimate based on the interest rate for your current term.

Learn more on how your amortization period affects your costs →


10 Budgeting Tips to Increase Your Money Management Skills, from Rachel Dalrymple

  1. Identify Your Purpose
  2. Write Down Income and Expenses
  3. Follow the 50/30/20 Rule
  4. Practice Zero-Based Budgeting
  5. Plan for the Unexpected
  6. Develop Habits That Support Your Budget
  7. Utilize Budgeting Tools
  8. Evaluate and Adjust Regularly
  9. Keep It Attainable
  10. Run Your Household Like a Business on details the 10 steps for a brighter future →

Quote of the week

"You either master money, or, on some level, money masters you."

- Tony Robbins

Infographic of the week

Warren Buffett's Portfolio Visualized

Warren Buffet is probably best known for being one of the world’s most successful investors. See what Berkshire Hathaway are holding and learn from the legendary value investor known as the 'Oracle of Omaha'.

Warren Buffett's Portfolio Visualized How They Make Money: Why the Oracle of Omaha tends to bet on the status quo →


Many millennials and Gen Z’s have done everything “right” - they’ve graduated, found good jobs, are paying off their debt and saving money. So why is it so hard to live the middle class lifestyle their parents and older peers had at their age?

Saving Podcast: Stress Test by columnist Rob Carrick - Is the middle class dead for millennials and Gen Z? →


How to Invest Like Warren Buffett

Want to emulate Buffett’s investment strategy? Morningstar has compiled work on the approach he and partner Charlie Munger have pursued at Berkshire Hathaway. (Stock symbols BRK.A and BRK.B)

Delve into Warren Buffett’s investment strategy →

Fun stuff

"Got my money And now you're gone Down the road They say a fool And his money soon part Now was I a fool"

Which artist is #1 on our Neontrack playlist this week?

Music About Money →

Listen to our Neontrack playlist when you have music and money on your mind.

← 028 Neontra Newsletter Issue #027 026 →