
Better Finances for a Better You

← 015 Neontra Newsletter Issue #014 013 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Did you know?

Credit card and auto loan missed payments increased by 19% in the first quarter of 2023, according to Equifax, as Canadians struggled to keep up with rising living expenses and interest rates.

Don’t let credit cards rule your life. Our credit card paydown calculator will help you plan for a brighter future →

Word of the week


Any debt that lowers your financial worth is referred to as a liability, whereas owning an asset would raise it.

Learn more about specific liability types and examples →


Non-essential costs are probably getting in the way of your financial goals. - Take-out food - Restaurants - Alcohol - Uber/Lyft instead of public transportation - Subscriptions Do you know how much you spent in the last three months?

Neontra auto-categorizes your expenses so you can quickly see where your money is going →

Quote of the week

"I make myself rich by making my wants few."

- Henry David Thoreau

Infographic of the week

Visualizing Annual Working Hours

Comparing the number of hours people work in different countries can provide insight into cultural work norms, economic productivity, and even labor laws.

Visualizing Annual Working Hours Where does Canada rank? How do your working hours compare? →


Rob Carrick's Stress Test with Shannon Lee Simmons, a Toronto-based certified financial planner whose core clients are millennials and Gen Z, about shifting views of retirement and how you can best prepare.

Saving Podcast: Retirement might look different for Gen Z and millennials. Here’s how to plan for it →


Investing can seem intimidating outlines how to get started: - Decide your investment goals - Select investment vehicle(s) - Calculate how much money you want to invest - Measure your risk tolerance - Consider what kind of investor you want to be - Build your portfolio - Monitor and rebalance your portfolio over time

A beginner’s guide to investing in the stock market →

Serious stuff

The Bank of Canada has increased its benchmark interest rate to 5 per cent, the highest in 22 years.

What happens when interest rates rise in Canada. What does that mean for you →

Fun stuff

"I could buy an aeroplane Fly you all around the world I'm spending without feeling ashamed"

Which artist is #1 on our Neontrack playlist this week?

Music About Money →

Listen to our Neontrack playlist when you have music and money on your mind.

← 015 Neontra Newsletter Issue #014 013 →