
Better Finances for a Better You

← 078 Neontra Newsletter Issue #077 076 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Did you know?

According to the national average of searches, student loans are the most Googled financial topic, with 2,441,000 searches on average across the US.

The most googled financial topics by state →

Word of the week

Predatory Lending

Beware of predatory lending, which involves falling for high-interest loans and deceptive lending practices. To avoid becoming a victim, make sure to do your research and compare loans from different lenders. It's important to steer clear of high-interest loans, especially those with interest rates that increase faster than you can repay them. Before signing any loan agreements, make sure you understand all the terms and conditions for repayment.

Predatory Lending: How to Avoid, Examples and Protections →


Budgets are the building blocks of financial stability

  1. Automate bill payments
  2. Create a “wants list” to curb overspending
  3. Use cash or a debit card for your problem spending areas
  4. Sock away funds for emergencies
  5. Get realistic with sinking funds
  6. Save on homeowners and auto insurance
  7. Gulp your daily “budget smoothie”
  8. Budget with your partner
  9. Use a free budgeting app like Neontra
9 budgeting hacks that help build financial strength and resilience from →

Quote of the week

"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life."

- Henry David Thoreau

Infographic of the week

Charted: Average Wage Growth in G7 Countries (2000-2022)

Average wage growth is a key sign of how well a country’s economy is doing. When wages rise, it typically signals that businesses are thriving and can afford to pay their employees more, which in turn boosts consumer spending and stimulates further economic growth.

Charted: Average Wage Growth in G7 Countries (2000-2022) How does your wage growth compare? →


10 Tips for Achieving Financial Security By Investopedia

  1. Start Saving As Soon As You Can
  2. View Savings Deposits As a Bill
  3. Save in a Tax-Deferred Account
  4. Diversify Your Portfolio
  5. Consider All Potential Expenses
  6. Retirement Savings Is a Must
  7. Periodically Reassess Your Portfolio
  8. Optimize Your Expenses
  9. Consider Your Spouse
  10. Work With a Financial Planner
It is not too late to adopt some of these practices, even if you are already retired. →

Serious stuff

Financial stability does not always mean wealth, but financial sufficiency as defined by each person. In order to build financial stability, it normally takes time to collect enough funds for general living in the future and emergency incidents that may occur.

7 Steps to financial stability by CHUBB →

Fun stuff

"Who took the money from the money tree? One thing's for sure, well, it wasn’t me Bury all the money in a great big hole Light it on fire, that'll warm your soul"

Which artist is #1 on our Neontrack playlist this week?

Music About Money →

Listen to our Neontrack playlist when you have music and money on your mind.

← 078 Neontra Newsletter Issue #077 076 →