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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
The Dutch East India Co. is credited as being the first firm in history to execute the world's first initial public offering (IPO) by providing equity shares of its business to the general public.
Understanding the First Company to Issue Stock →A stock is a type of investment that is mostly offered on stock markets and signifies the holder's proportional ownership in the issuing company.
What Are Stocks? How Do They Work? →"Those who spend too much will eventually be owned by those who are thrifty"
- Sir John Templeton
This graphic shows the share of U.S. households’ finances invested in public stocks over time, based on data from the Federal Reserve.
Money Saving Tips For Young Adults
Here are tips and hacks young adults should be aware of to manage their money better. →A lot goes into creating and managing an income-producing portfolio that works for you. But here are some basics to consider.
Make your money work when you’re not →According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 72% of adults report feeling stressed about money, whether it's worrying about paying rent or feeling bogged down by debt.
Financial Stress: How to Cope By Elizabeth Scott, PhD →