
Better Finances for a Better You

← 060 Neontra Newsletter Issue #059 058 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Did you know?

According to Google Trends in 2024, search interest for “budgeting” reached a 15-year high and with “loud budgeting” increasing +4,550% as well

View the detailed Google Trends interest over time report →

Word of the week

Loud Budgeting

The Loud budgeting movement pushes individuals to be open and honest about their financial situation and to refuse offers of goods or activities that they cannot afford or do not want to spend their money on. It's a tactic meant to make your financial goals visible and audible to friends and family. The notion is that you should keep to your budget to support your financial goals rather than going beyond to live up to others' expectations.

Loud Budgeting – What it Is and how it can work for you →

6 Frugal Habits of the Super Rich and Famous by Caitlyn Moorhead

For you to live frugally, you might want to take a page out of the super-rich.

  1. Pay using cash
  2. Pay yourself first
  3. Travel on a budget
  4. Live beneath your means
  5. Make your money work for you
  6. Invest. Invest. Invest.
Frugal habits of millionaires you should start today →

Quote of the week

"Money looks better in the bank than on your feet."

- Sophia Amoruso

Infographic of the week

Mapped: The Income a Family Needs to Live Comfortably in Every U.S. State by the Visual Capitalist

This was originally posted on the Voronoi app. Families in the top five most expensive U.S. states require an annual income exceeding $270,000 to live comfortably. This visualization illustrates the income necessary for two working adults with two children to maintain a comfortable lifestyle in each state.

Mapped: The Income a Family Needs to Live Comfortably in Every U.S. State by the Visual Capitalist The income a family needs to live comfortably in every U.S. State →


Here is some information that’ll make investing more approachable.

Discover the different approaches to savings and investing. Determine which path is best for you and your goals.

Learn more about the value of having a financial plan →

Serious Stuff

What is the 60/30/10 budgeting rule?

  • 60% for essential expenses or needs
  • 30% for discretionary spending or wants
  • 10% for goals like paying off debts, saving or investing

It's trending as an alternative to the longer-standing 50/30/20 method

Learn more about the 60/30/10 budgeting rule →

← 060 Neontra Newsletter Issue #059 058 →