Personal Finance

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Topic: "Student Loans"

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Did you know?

The average U.S. federal student loan debt is $37,853 per borrower. Outstanding private student loan debt totals $128.8 billion.

Average Student Loan Debt by State →

Word of the week

Student Loan

A student loan is a sum of money borrowed to cover the costs of post-secondary education, including college expenses and other related costs. The primary purpose of student loans is to finance living expenses, books and supplies, and tuition while the borrower is pursuing a degree. Loan payments are often deferred during the time the student is in college and for several months after graduation.

Explore different types of scholarships →

Serious stuff

Making financial decisions – including around budgeting, taking out loans or investing – can be daunting, and many college students feel ill-equipped to do so.

Financial Literacy: What College Students Need to Know by Sarah Wood →

Did you know?

According to the national average of searches, student loans are the most Googled financial topic, with 2,441,000 searches on average across the US.

The most googled financial topics by state →

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