Personal Finance

Better Finances for a Better You

Topic: "Financial Resilience"

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Quote of the week

"I’m only rich because I know when I’m wrong…I basically have survived by recognizing my mistakes."

- George Soros

Quote of the week

"Financial security and independence are like a three-legged stool resting on savings, insurance and investments."

- Brian Tracy

Quote of the week

"Save more money than you think you need. Life is unexpected and your future tastes will likely be more expensive. Not worrying about money tomorrow is worth more than whatever you could buy today."

- James Clear


With higher housing, transportation costs and food prices, many people feel the effects of inflation each time they open their wallets.

Budget Busters — The Impact of Inflation on Everyday Life By Amanda Reaume →

Serious stuff

Financial stability does not always mean wealth, but financial sufficiency as defined by each person. In order to build financial stability, it normally takes time to collect enough funds for general living in the future and emergency incidents that may occur.

7 Steps to financial stability by CHUBB →

Word of the week

Financial Resilience

Financial resilience is the ability to withstand life events that impact one's income and/or assets.

Steps Toward Financial Resilience →

Serious stuff

Discover the keys to financial wellness and learn how to achieve financial stability and freedom.

Financial well-being resources →

Serious stuff

Financial wellbeing is learning how to manage your money and resources responsibly with an eye toward long-term financial security.

Explore resources to improve your financial wellbeing →

Serious stuff

Financial wellness means having a comfortable sense of financial security and having enough money to meet all needs and demands in your life.

What is financial wellbeing? →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.