1. Have a long-term goal in mind when investing 2. Make sure to diversify your investment portfolio 3. Try the practice of dollar-cost averaging 4. Hire a financial professional to work with
Investing is not one of the areas of life where it makes sense to involve your emotions →This graphic shows the share of U.S. households’ finances invested in public stocks over time, based on data from the Federal Reserve.
Share of U.S. households’ finances invested in public stocks over time →While the stock market is riddled with uncertainty, certain tried-and-true principles can help investors boost their chances for long-term success
10 tips for successful long-term investing that can help you prevent mistakes and hopefully generate some profits →A fundamental investing strategy that distributes investment funds among multiple asset classes is diversification.
What Is Diversification? Definition as Investing Strategy →← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.