Bitcoin surged to all-time highs, gold saw its best performance in 14 years, and the U.S. dollar rallied thanks to a strong U.S. economy. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 saw its best two-year run in over 25 years. On the flip side, bonds experienced lackluster performance amid reflationary concerns. This graphic shows major asset class returns in 2024, based on data from TradingView.
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Track all your investments in one place with Neontra →It’s hard enough to select a financial advisor who suits your needs and circumstances, but the increasing popularity of cryptocurrency can make it even harder. Crypto’s rise lengthens the list of financial instruments investors need to understand, and it poses the same challenge for advisors.
Considerations every investor should take into account before choosing a crypto financial advisor →Before the discovery of gold in the Western United States, there wasn't enough precious metal in the US economy to make coinage. Prior to 1857, foreign coins were accepted as legal money.
Track your all your coins, cash, gift cards, crypto in one place with Neontra →Ever since the first major crypto boom in 2011, tens of thousands of cryptocurrency coins have been released to market. And while some cryptocurrencies performed well, others have ceased to trade or have ended up as failed or abandoned projects. These graphics from CoinKickoff break down the number of failed crypto coins by the year they died, and the year they started. The data covers a decade of coin busts from 2013 through 2022.
Neontra aggregates and tracks all your investments in one place.
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