
Better Finances for a Better You

← 069 Neontra Newsletter Issue #068 067 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Did you know?

72% of households do not have a written financial plan according to Charles Schwab

Start building your free financial plan now →

Word of the week


Lean FIRE is a lifestyle movement with the goal of gaining financial independence and retiring early. With Lean FIRE the goal is retire early and live a frugal lifestyle. You would likely live on the minimal necessities and save the rest, and your retirement would be more frugal in nature.

Lean FIRE: The Fast Track to Early Retirement – If You Can Stomach a Small Budget by Nick Wolny →


‘I’ve got $7 a day to live on’: Young Americans are taking part in a viral trend called 'loud budgeting' — something Suze Orman has promoted for years. But could it work for you? by Sabina Wex

Loud budgeting for young Americans →

Quote of the week

"Financial stability is much more about doing the best with what you have and not about achieving a certain level of income"

- Erik Wecks

Infographic of the week

Ranked: Countries With the Most Millionaires and Billionaires

This graphic lists the top 12 countries by number of high net worth individuals (HNWIs). An HNWI is someone with liquid investable wealth of $1 million USD or more.

Ranked: Countries With the Most Millionaires and Billionaires Where do the wealthy live? →


Trying to build your savings, pay off debt and make the most of your money? You might want to try living like a billionaire — but only if that billionaire is Warren Buffett

11 Frugal Habits of Warren Buffett by Amanda Garcia →


Financial Educational Resource Hub

Whether you're just starting out or looking to brush up on your investing skills, we'll help you make smarter decisions about saving, investing and protecting your money.

Smart Investing from NASDAQ →

Serious stuff

You don’t need everything you want Our expectations around money are all out of whack by Emily Stewart

Part of the issue is that we seem to have blurred the distinction between a want and a need →

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