
Better Finances for a Better You

← 059 Neontra Newsletter Issue #058 057 →

← Curating the web to find the most interesting and helpful information about your money.

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Did you know?

According to TransUnion, the average credit card balance for Canadians at the end of 2023 was $4,265.

Use our credit card payoff calculator to help you plan for a brighter future →

Word of the week

80/20 Budget

According to the 80/20 budgeting strategy, 20% of your income is allocated to savings and investments and the remaining 80% is used for monthly expenses and spending. Of course, not everyone will benefit from the 80/20 budget rule. If you have a specific financial objective in mind, such as debt repayment or an early retirement, you may allocate more than 20% of your income to that purpose.

Find other budging methods that may work better for you →


The “budget” has been known to make people cringe, cry, and bury their heads in the sand, but budgeting challenges don’t have to keep you from getting the job done. Budgets are just a set of guidelines to help you manage your money.

3 Common Budgeting Challenges to Overcome →

Quote of the week

"Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

Infographic of the week

Visualizing America’s Average Retirement Savings, by Age

Painting a concerning picture, the median retirement savings for Americans stands at a mere $87,000, a figure far lower than what is needed for a comfortable nest egg. This savings gap—the amount people have actually saved versus what they believe is needed for retirement—is significantly rising. In fact, a recent survey from Northwestern Mutual reveals that $1.46 million is the ideal savings target for retirement, up from $1.27 million last year.

Visualizing America’s Average Retirement Savings, by Age America’s Average Retirement Savings, by Age →

Smart saving tips to make your money go further by Caroline Bloor

With savings rates climbing, it's a good time to squirrel away what you can and get your money working harder.

  1. Save first, spend later
  2. Don't pay interest on debt
  3. Spend mindfully
  4. Keep switching!
  5. Check your workplace benefits
  6. Remortgage!
  7. Claim back money with your name on it
  8. Don't splurge on payday
  9. Shop and earn cashback
  10. Entitled to Marriage Allowance?
  11. Rent a room out
  12. Do a financial fast
  13. Do you work from the ‘coffice’?
  14. Check out what you are entitled to
  15. Get a free overdraft
  16. Do you really need your packaged bank account?
  17. Ask the question: can I get it cheaper?
  18. Manage your energy guzzlers
  19. Make the most of resale platforms
Read more details on how to squirrel away what you can and get your money working harder →


From staying in cash to going it alone, here are the most worrying errors we’re seeing investors make at the start of 2024.

It’s easy to get emotional about money. Various behavioural biases—such as overconfidence, loss aversion and bandwagon-jumping—can push investors into making decisions that undermine their efforts to reach their goals.

The five most popular investing mistakes of 2024 by J.P.Morgan →

Serious stuff

Learn what financial wellness is, why it's important, and how it can improve your overall well-being. Plus, 10 tips to guide and improve your financial wellness.

Financial wellness: what it is, benefits, and 10 ways to get there →

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