Custom Categories

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Create custom categories, budgets, transactions and tags with Neontra

2 minute read

Neontra makes it easy to create custom categories and manage a budget, so you can spend less time worrying about your money

We are pleased to announce that Custom Categories are available with web release 1.26.1.

Due to this being a major release, make sure you have the newest version by refreshing your browser tab, otherwise you may experience login issues.

To create new categories:
Custom categories are accessed in Settings. The Categories tab displays the category tree.
Click on a parent category to expand the tree and see its child categories.

Custom categories may be created as:

Parent categories — by clicking the plus sign next to Income or Expenses

Child categories — by clicking the plus sign next to a parent category

Simply fill out the Name field then click the Add Category button. Your new category will appear in the category tree.

Aside from creating new custom categories, you can also now modify the default category tree by renaming/removing existing entries.

Three other operations are available for both parent and child categories:

Pencil — edit the name of the category

Trash can — delete the category. Transactions in a deleted category will be set to Uncategorized. You may re-categorize these transactions on the Cash Flow page.

Pushpin -- create a Transaction Rule for your new custom category

The system will learn your categorization preferences over time. You can also go to the Transaction Rules tab to create categorization rules for your custom categories.

If you have any issues or feature requests related to custom categories please let us know. You can view our roadmap here and let us know what new features and tools you would like to see at Neontra.

Read the release notes here →